Need to shake up the Tuesday/Thursday pattern? Our special events have you covered! Here are some of the rides that are usually part of our programming. Specifics available on Facebook as the events approach.
Spring Reliability Test
The idea behind this yearly ride is to provide road riders with an early chance to test their bike and their fitness in advance of the upcoming major road race events. Dust off your bike and join us for a good ride and some lunch.
Kill Bill / RCC Hill Climbing Challenge

Over 30 years ago, and before Everesting was a thing, Bill Kinash rode to Lumsden and then climbed the old highway hill 68 times before riding home. Bill is a local cycling legend, foundational member of RCC and member of the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame. To honour Bill and his epic day, we challenge riders to come out and test their mettle on the old hill. Nothing says fun like hill repeats…. see you there!
Sprint Night / Crit Night
We drop the hills and mix it up a bit mid-summer with a few Criterium or sprint-oriented nights. We host these events at various locations like the Conexus Arts Centre, Kings Park Speedway and the Carson Industrial Park.
Canada Day Ride
Celebrate Canada’s birthday with us on a ride where every km represents a year since confederation. We approach this ride like true Canadians and work together to make sure we all make it to the finish line. An out-and-back, we invite participation for as much of the route as you want. As Canada gets older (and we do too) the challenge will get more and more crazy!
The Big Day / Long Ride
We organize a big ride toward the end of the season, to celebrate the year, and to give us a goal to work for. There will be varying distances, so your big ride can be what works for you. For example, in 2019 we hosted 106 riders on the Regina Bypass before it was opened to traffic courtesy of the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure and the Regina Bypass Partners. RCC set up the tent and brought out snacks and drinks at one end of the ~15 km stretch of road. Some riders did one or two laps, while others cranked out 100 km or more! All ages came out – the youngest participant was being towed in a trailer, while there were others in their 70s. A great time was had by all.