RCC members truly understand the importance of virtual training platforms and using them year round. We invite all RCC members to join in the action.

Regina Cycle Club members are encouraged to join the ‘Saskatchewan Zwift Community Official’ Zwift Club where Saskatchewan cyclists can plan and host events for all to enjoy. Truly breaking down our Province’s physical barriers and building the sport of cycling in Saskatchewan.
Real-time Communication
Typing in Zwift group chat can be tough while riding. To get around this we can communicate via voice on an app called Discord. Details on Discord can be found here: https://zwiftinsider.com/using-discord/
Once you have Discord installed on your phone you can join the HPL Cycling voice channel via this link: https://discord.gg/HbAMzj6
Please direct any questions about indoor cycling events to Paul Cutting: virtual@reginacycleclub.ca