Fall in SK is special (and unfortunately also short). And weekends are typically booked. So we’ve doubled down and will be holding cross rides on Monday and Wednesday evenings this year!
These rides are on fun courses that are fit for riders of all ages and skill levels. Ride whatever bike you like (gravel bike, mountain bike, fat bike, or cross bike)! Your total evening time commitment (from arriving, socializing, riding, course takedown, and then more socializing) is typically 90 min or less. We ride against the clock, each other, and ultimately against ourselves. Regardless of your age, experience, or ability, come out, meet new people, learn new skills, and have FUN!!!
Cross courses will be well marked (flagged) multiple 2.0km – 2.5km loops of local favorite Wascana parks. Over the season we’ll rotate through three of Wascana’s best parks and will post more specific course details shortly.
REMEMBER: courses are marked by volunteers – a sign up sheet will be available before the season starts. We rely on your help to make these events happen please be sure to volunteer at least once! After rides, participants help pickup course flags (many hands make light work and typically only takes 10 min).
Monday and Wednesday cross rides typically last approximately 45 min, and start at 6:00 pm in September and 5:45 in October. Time and locations are communicated in more detail on the RCC Cyclocross page and through the RCC Facebook page so keep checking back regularly.